Tuesday, September 17, 2024

September 11, 2024 Meeting Minutes

CAMACO Meeting Minutes
Date: September 11, 2024
Meeting called to order by: Eleanor N at 7:02 pm
Visitors:  Michele G, Linda W, Andrea S and Jean F
Minutes: there were no additions or corrections to the minutes from June 2024
Treasure:  XXXXXX less expenses for charity supplies, program expenses and refreshment expenses leaves us with a balance of $XXXXXXX
Old Business: None
Media:  Pictures were taken by Pam N and Robin G  There were a lot of pictures taken during this meeting!!
Badge: collected $2.25
Sunshine Committee: No cards were sent over the summer, cards will be sent to Sharon W and Inga L
Hospitality: October meeting will be Doreen D, Roxanne D, Helen E Marge F, Linda F and Donna F.
  • Doreen’s father’s church is appreciative of any 24” ish square quilt/knitted or crocheted afghans for their prayer quilts.  Several members have made some and they are very much appreciated.
  • Charity Committee is in need of boy quilts.
  • We are still doing reading pillows and pet beds.
Ways and Means: Pam N. raffled a basket which was won by Susan T.
Committee of Fun: Won by Eleanor N and Sandee W
  • Patterns were handed out for Block 16 and Block 17 of our Blocks of the month challenge (I will send these patterns out as an attached file for those of you that didn’t get it).  We did Blocks 19 and 20 over the summer.  We will do this for 6 months and then have 12 blocks to make into a quilt.
  • Next month, bring your 15 to 20 red, white and blue strips (2 ½” x WOF – they can be pieced).  We’ll be playing a game with them.
  • Mystery Quilt will be on January 15, 2025.  We are still taking sign ups for this.  The cost is $10.  Doreen has the supply list.  It’s a lot of fun.
  • The gift exchange in December will be an ornament – anything you want to do.
  • January we will have a trunk show by Early Girls Quilt Company from Audubon, NJ.  They will also bring things from their shop to sell.
Open Sew:  Back to our winter schedule.  Third, fourth and if there is a fifth Wednesday of the month.  Up coming dates are:  October 16, 23 and 30.  We have use of the building from 9:30 – 4:00.
New Business: 
  • One of our guests, Linda W, was requesting help from anyone who crochets or knits.  She is looking for people to make washcloths to donate, in the memory of Diane Dunwoodie, to Diane’s church.  Cloths should be about 8” square.  Connie An has volunteered to be in charge of this.
  • Kitty W showed the Santa quilt she made, “So Many Santas”.  It is being raffled for Women for God of First United Methodist Church in Cape May Court House.
  • Betsy Y has a quilting/long arm frame for sale.  Eleanor Neff has information or contact Betsy.
  • Quilts of Valor is having a yard sale on Saturday, September 21, 2024.  120 Butter Road, Ocean View (Upper Township).  8:30 – 3:00. You fill a bag and offer a donation.  All proceeds go to Quilts of Valor.  This sale is not only sewing items
  • The Museum of Cape May County is having a Local’s Day on Saturday, October 5, 2024 from 10:00 to 2:00 pm.  Half price admission and 10% off gift shop items. 
504 Rt. 9 North, Cape May Court House, NJ 08210.
Tonight’s program:
  • The Round Robin projects were revealed.  There were 21 participants and the results were amazing!  I think everyone agreed that we learned a lot doing this project.  Three $20 gift certificates to Early Girl Quilt Company were awarded by drawing names of the participants.  The winners were Karen B, Winna Sand Connie B.
  • The 4 Mason Jar Quilts and 3 Mason Jar Runners were shown.  This was a group effort that turned out amazing.  Thank you to Karen V for the idea.  1 quilt was given to Karen for the Cape May Community Food Closet Harvest Social.  It will be auctioned off during their fund raiser.
Show and Tell:  Members showed Blocks 19 and 20 from the Blocks of the month.  There were also many other items for Show and Tell.  Looks like members were busy this summer.  Items can be viewed on our Face Book page.
Meeting called to close at 8:30
Respectfully submitted by Joey G

Thursday, July 4, 2024

June Meeting Minutes

CAMACO Meeting Minutes

Date: June 12, 2024

Meeting called to order by: No one opened the building for us so the meeting was not officially called to order.  We just took advantage of the nice weather and decided to take care of whatever business we could outside.

Visitors:  There were 33 members in attendance and we had 2 visitors, Michele G and Andrea S.

Minutes:  Minutes from the May meeting had been sent to all members.  No one brought up any issues with the minutes.

Treasure: The treasures report was submitted.  It shows that we had a beginning balance of $XXXXX.  Income of $74.90 from Badge and Ways and Means.  We had expenses of $30 for prices for Mason Jar Challenge.  This brings our balance to $XXXXXXX

Old Business:  Nothing was discussed

Media:  Pictures were taken and to be shared on Facebook

Badge: Nothing was collected since we were standing around the parking lot.

Sunshine Committee: Nothing reported

Refreshments:  Of course, we still managed to enjoy some yummy refreshments.  Winna will be in touch with those members who will be responsible for September refreshments.

Charity: Sue indicated that we are in need of some masculine quilts, teen/young men and small girls.

Ways and Means: Nothing


  1. Members involved in the Round Robin were able to exchange blocks.  The 4th and final border is due and the next meeting on September 11.  This will be the big reveal!!
  2. We had the final collection of Mason Jar Blocks.  Names of those who participated were written on slips of paper and 3 names were pulled.  These members each received a $10 WaWa gift card.  

We ended up with a total of 196 blocks.  Since the meeting 4 quilt tops have been put together and we are making table runners with the remaining blocks.  We only need to quilt and bind now.  If anyone would like to help with that, please contact Doreen or Joey.  What a SUCCESSFUL Challenge.  Thank you to all who have participated.

  1. We did not have a chance to play the game with the Red, White and Blue fabric strips.  Please hang on to those, we will do that game in the future.
  2. We are planning another Mystery Quilt.  It is scheduled for Wednesday, October 23 from 9:30 to 4:00.  The cost is $10.  You can contact Doreen, Joey or Sue T. to sign up.

Open Sew: June 19 and 26. EVERY Wednesday in July and August, 9:30 – 4:00 with the exception of NO OPEN SEW July 3.

New Business:  South Shore Stitchers is sponsoring a bus trip to the AQS Quilt Show on Friday, September 13.  The cost is $60.  See Sue T, Dale W, or Joey G for more information

Tonight’s program: We exchanged Round Robins but have to postpone our activity with the Red, White and Blue fabric strips.

Show and Tell:  We had quite a nice sharing of projects, such beautiful work.  

Meeting called to close: No official closing time but so thankful we had nice weather and were able to accomplish what we did. 

Respectfully submitted by Joey Goodman.

Up Coming Dates:

Open Sew:

     July 10, 17, 24, 31

    August 7, 14, 21, 28


     September 11

     October 9

     November 13

     December 11

SSS AQS Quilt Show Bus Trip

     September 13

Mystery Quilt Workshop

     October 23

Thursday, May 9, 2024

May 2024 Minutes

CAMACO Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2024

Meeting called to order by Eleanor N. at 7:00

There were no visitors.


There were several questions about the April minutes.  Some money was collected from guild members for donations for the gift basket.  The other money had come from various sources ie dues, money collected for Mystery Quilt activity.  The minutes were then approved.

Treasure:  Clare gave the treasure’s report.  Our opening balance was $XXXXX.  We had a total of $75 income and $31.94 expenses leaving us with a balance of $XXXXXX

Badge: collected $2.90

Sunshine Committee: no cards sent.  A card will be sent to Inga Lane

Hospitality:  Thank you to all who brought something to share.  Next month (June 12) the following people should bring something to share:  Betsy Young, Barbara Adams, Connie Anzelone, JoAnn Assenheimer, Connie Barry, Denise Bongiovanni

Committee of Fun:  Joyce H. won a rotary cutter holder

Charity:  Susan T. gave 2 quilts to sisters who were adopted by their foster family

Ways and Means: Pam N. collected $72 in donations, Helen E. won the prize

Programs: Doreen D. presented the following:

  1. Round Robin, guild members were encouraged to join this type of activity if we do it in the future.  It is challenging and we are learning new techniques and trying different things.
  2. June 12 meeting we will be playing a game.  Members should bring in 15 to 20 2 ½” by WOF (width of fabric, 42”) strips of fabric.  These strips can be pieced together to get 42”.  They must be RED, WHITE, and/or BLUE.  You can combine colors to get the strips.  Use whatever you have. If you want to bring in extras that’s okay too.
  3. Mason Jar blocks are due at the June meeting.  At this time, it looks like we’ll have enough blocks to make 3 donation quilts.  
  4. The Round Robin projects were exchanged.  We will be putting on the 3rd border and they are due at the meeting on June 12.  
  5. Those who participated in the Mystery Quilt activity should bring them to the June 12 meeting. 

Open Sew: There are 3 dates this month.  May 15, 22 and 29.  Time: 9:30 - 4:00

New Business:  It was brought up and passed that if a past member in good standing requests to be a member of our Facebook group that they be allowed to join.  Joey G. will work with Helen E. to try to set up a simpler way for people to ask to join.

Tonight’s program:  The following demonstrations were done.  Thank you to all who presented the demonstrations.

Applique – Doreen D

Ruler Work Quilting – Joey G

English Paper Piecing – Clare J

Paper Piecing – Elena H

Quick and Easy Block – Dale W

Show and Tell:  Many beautiful projects were shown.  They will be shared on Facebook.

Business meeting called to close by Eleanor N. at 7:30

Respectfully submitted by Joey G.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

April 2024 Minutes

CAMACO April Meeting Minutes

Date: April 10, 2024

Meeting to order by: Kitty W. at: 7:00 pm

Visitors:  Joann S – friend of Sharon W

Minutes:  Motion was made by Clare J. and seconded by Eileen I. to approve February minutes as submitted.

Treasure: Opening balance $XXXX, Income $313.75, Expenses $104.07.  Balance XXXXX

Old Business: None

Media:  Helen E. took pictures.  Discussion about taking members off the CAMACO FaceBook group

Badge: collected $1.00

Sunshine Committee: Nothing

Refreshments:  Thank you to those who brought tonight.  May meeting:  Roberta O, Karen V, Dale W, Kitty W, Sandra W, Sharon W

Charity:  6 quilts were given away.

Ways and Means:  $74 was raised 

Programs: Round Robins were exchanged.  The next round is due at the next meeting, May 8.

May - there will be the following demonstrations: Blanket Stitch – Doreen,

Ruler Quilting – Joey, Paper Piecing – Eleana, English Paper Piecing (EPP) – Clare, Quick and Easy Block – Dale.

June – Round Robin due and exchanged.  Strip Game – members to bring 15 red, white and blue 2 ½” by WOF strips of fabric (you can sew fat quarters together to get 40”- 42” strips).

All Mason Jar blocks are due.  The first quilt is going to the food bank that Karen V. suggested.

Open Sew: Next ones are April 17 and April 24.   9:30 – 4:00  Come and have fun.  Solve quilting problems.  Other guilds have to pay extra for this space.  We are very lucky.

New Business:  Discuss having former members in good standing be able to continue to be members of the CAMACO Facebook group.

Tonight’s program: A presentation was made virtually through Zoom by Brenda of Conquering Mount Scrapmore with Brenda.  She presented a trunk show and talked about her work with charity quilts.  



A file from Brenda for our group will also be attached to this email.

A big thank you to Denise B. and her son Drew B. for setting up the technology to make this happen. Also, thank you to Dale W. for suggesting Brenda to the committee and for introducing Brenda on the night of the program.

Show and Tell: was held

Meeting called to close: 8:30 pm

Respectfully submitted by:  Sandee Wr and Joey G

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

March Meeting Minutes 2024 with changes

CAMACO March Meeting Minutes

March 13, 2024

President Eleanor Neff called the meeting to order at 7:04

     Excused K Winkworth and new Secretary J Goodman.

Visitor: Richard M came to thank the guild for all the food and effort the members supplied to assist the family during Carol’s final days and assistance cleaning out her sewing area.  The free table had a collection of fabric from Carol’s stash.

Minutes: The February minutes were reviewed and accepted.  Doreen D made the motion and it was voted in favor.

Treasure: Clare J read Treasurer’s report.  No questions.

Old Business: A request was made to accept Joey G as new guild secretary.  Doreen D made the motion and it passed.  Joey G co-chair of Programs and will still be a committee member.  Doreen will be committee sole chair.

Media:  no report.  Elena took photos as arranged by Helen and Denise.

Badge: collected $1.75

Sunshine Committee were requested to send cards to Joyce, Richard M, Joey G knee surgery.

Refreshments: Winna listed the next group for April meeting refreshments:  Justine P, Mary Lou P, MaryBeth R, Susan T, Connie T, Beverly T.

Charity: Doreen spoke for Susan T with a reminder to bring mason jar blocks by June.  They can be accepted at meetings or open sew.  These are for quilts targeted for donation to food banks to raffle for fund raisers.

Ways and Means: Tonight raised $82.00 for the guild.  Pam Ne has made enough money to cover all expenses. Congratulations to JoAnn A who won the basket.

Programs: Doreen Dr spoke. 

      Round Robin was given out to participants. Only one border is to be added to the block. If you are short of a color or type of fabric please reach out to other members.  Facebook and emailing are suggestions. Please make sure the block is in either a bag or box.

     April live speaker via zoom.  You can check her out on Face Book – “Conquering Mount Scrapmore with Brenda”.  Search for her group and check it out. Meeting will be at regular time 7 pm.  Show and Tell will happen after speaker as she would like to see our creations.

     NEW PROGRAM COMMITTEE request for June meeting.  Bring 15-20 strips (2 ½” by width of fabric) in red, white and blue combinations.

     New Badge ideas are still being accepted by program committee.  Send to Joey.

Open Sew in March 3/20 Mystery Quilt only, March 27 regular open sew.

New Business: 

     Dale Watson announced South Shore’s National Day of Sewing Event on 3/23/24 held at the Methodist Church in Tuckahoe.  Children and adults invited.  The event is free.  Call 609-457-8879 for more info.

     Also, Makers Day at Cape May County library.  Eleanor and Pam represented CAMACO teaching people how to make a reusable sandwich wrap.  Please note the library has sewing machines which may be checked out.

Tonight’s program:

     Demonstration of AccuQuilt fabric cutter was done by Elena H.  The guild has a cutter that is available for members to use.

Show and Tell was held.

Meeting called to close 7:53

Respectfully submitted by Clare J for Joey G.

Changes submitted 4/2/24:

**Corrections to March Minutes**

  • Eleanor mentioned that Kitty and Joey would not be at the meeting, Joey was not yet approved as Secretary.
  • Minutes: The February minutes and corrections were reviewed and accepted.
  • Old Business: Joey did not relinquish co-chair of the Program Committee; she and Doreen will remain as co-chairs.
  • Media:  Elena took photos.
  • Ways and Means: Pam has made enough money to cover all expenses for Ways and Means for the remainder of the year.