Thursday, July 4, 2024

June Meeting Minutes

CAMACO Meeting Minutes

Date: June 12, 2024

Meeting called to order by: No one opened the building for us so the meeting was not officially called to order.  We just took advantage of the nice weather and decided to take care of whatever business we could outside.

Visitors:  There were 33 members in attendance and we had 2 visitors, Michele G and Andrea S.

Minutes:  Minutes from the May meeting had been sent to all members.  No one brought up any issues with the minutes.

Treasure: The treasures report was submitted.  It shows that we had a beginning balance of $XXXXX.  Income of $74.90 from Badge and Ways and Means.  We had expenses of $30 for prices for Mason Jar Challenge.  This brings our balance to $XXXXXXX

Old Business:  Nothing was discussed

Media:  Pictures were taken and to be shared on Facebook

Badge: Nothing was collected since we were standing around the parking lot.

Sunshine Committee: Nothing reported

Refreshments:  Of course, we still managed to enjoy some yummy refreshments.  Winna will be in touch with those members who will be responsible for September refreshments.

Charity: Sue indicated that we are in need of some masculine quilts, teen/young men and small girls.

Ways and Means: Nothing


  1. Members involved in the Round Robin were able to exchange blocks.  The 4th and final border is due and the next meeting on September 11.  This will be the big reveal!!
  2. We had the final collection of Mason Jar Blocks.  Names of those who participated were written on slips of paper and 3 names were pulled.  These members each received a $10 WaWa gift card.  

We ended up with a total of 196 blocks.  Since the meeting 4 quilt tops have been put together and we are making table runners with the remaining blocks.  We only need to quilt and bind now.  If anyone would like to help with that, please contact Doreen or Joey.  What a SUCCESSFUL Challenge.  Thank you to all who have participated.

  1. We did not have a chance to play the game with the Red, White and Blue fabric strips.  Please hang on to those, we will do that game in the future.
  2. We are planning another Mystery Quilt.  It is scheduled for Wednesday, October 23 from 9:30 to 4:00.  The cost is $10.  You can contact Doreen, Joey or Sue T. to sign up.

Open Sew: June 19 and 26. EVERY Wednesday in July and August, 9:30 – 4:00 with the exception of NO OPEN SEW July 3.

New Business:  South Shore Stitchers is sponsoring a bus trip to the AQS Quilt Show on Friday, September 13.  The cost is $60.  See Sue T, Dale W, or Joey G for more information

Tonight’s program: We exchanged Round Robins but have to postpone our activity with the Red, White and Blue fabric strips.

Show and Tell:  We had quite a nice sharing of projects, such beautiful work.  

Meeting called to close: No official closing time but so thankful we had nice weather and were able to accomplish what we did. 

Respectfully submitted by Joey Goodman.

Up Coming Dates:

Open Sew:

     July 10, 17, 24, 31

    August 7, 14, 21, 28


     September 11

     October 9

     November 13

     December 11

SSS AQS Quilt Show Bus Trip

     September 13

Mystery Quilt Workshop

     October 23