Thursday, May 9, 2024

May 2024 Minutes

CAMACO Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2024

Meeting called to order by Eleanor N. at 7:00

There were no visitors.


There were several questions about the April minutes.  Some money was collected from guild members for donations for the gift basket.  The other money had come from various sources ie dues, money collected for Mystery Quilt activity.  The minutes were then approved.

Treasure:  Clare gave the treasure’s report.  Our opening balance was $XXXXX.  We had a total of $75 income and $31.94 expenses leaving us with a balance of $XXXXXX

Badge: collected $2.90

Sunshine Committee: no cards sent.  A card will be sent to Inga Lane

Hospitality:  Thank you to all who brought something to share.  Next month (June 12) the following people should bring something to share:  Betsy Young, Barbara Adams, Connie Anzelone, JoAnn Assenheimer, Connie Barry, Denise Bongiovanni

Committee of Fun:  Joyce H. won a rotary cutter holder

Charity:  Susan T. gave 2 quilts to sisters who were adopted by their foster family

Ways and Means: Pam N. collected $72 in donations, Helen E. won the prize

Programs: Doreen D. presented the following:

  1. Round Robin, guild members were encouraged to join this type of activity if we do it in the future.  It is challenging and we are learning new techniques and trying different things.
  2. June 12 meeting we will be playing a game.  Members should bring in 15 to 20 2 ½” by WOF (width of fabric, 42”) strips of fabric.  These strips can be pieced together to get 42”.  They must be RED, WHITE, and/or BLUE.  You can combine colors to get the strips.  Use whatever you have. If you want to bring in extras that’s okay too.
  3. Mason Jar blocks are due at the June meeting.  At this time, it looks like we’ll have enough blocks to make 3 donation quilts.  
  4. The Round Robin projects were exchanged.  We will be putting on the 3rd border and they are due at the meeting on June 12.  
  5. Those who participated in the Mystery Quilt activity should bring them to the June 12 meeting. 

Open Sew: There are 3 dates this month.  May 15, 22 and 29.  Time: 9:30 - 4:00

New Business:  It was brought up and passed that if a past member in good standing requests to be a member of our Facebook group that they be allowed to join.  Joey G. will work with Helen E. to try to set up a simpler way for people to ask to join.

Tonight’s program:  The following demonstrations were done.  Thank you to all who presented the demonstrations.

Applique – Doreen D

Ruler Work Quilting – Joey G

English Paper Piecing – Clare J

Paper Piecing – Elena H

Quick and Easy Block – Dale W

Show and Tell:  Many beautiful projects were shown.  They will be shared on Facebook.

Business meeting called to close by Eleanor N. at 7:30

Respectfully submitted by Joey G.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, June 12, 2024

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