Thursday, November 12, 2020

October 2020 Zoom Meeting Minutes

Doreen D called the meeting to order at 7pm.

We had a special guest at our meeting Ray from Cape Regional Medical Center.  Ray wanted to say Thank You from the hospital and staff for the support that we gave them by making masks.  He said that knowing our guild was there to lead a helping hand was so greatly appreciated by all.
Great job, ladies!

Treasurer's Report - Balance $XXXX.  Pam did have to purchase membership cards.

Charity - Eleanor received 19 quilts and 24 dog beds.  She also received thank you notes from CARA and the Shelter.

Bernie announced the New Officers for the upcoming year 2021 and they are:
    Joanne I - President
    Nina B - Vice President
    Becky J - Secretary
    Kate G- Treasurer


Committees - for the year 2021
    Programs - Dale W and Clare J
    Charity - Sue T - Chairperson
    Refreshments - Connie A
    Sunshine - Linda F
    Media - Helen E and Denise B
    Badge - no one
    Ways & Means - no one

As you can see we still need people to step up and be on a Committee.  Additional people are always need on Programs and Charity.  Please help out!

New Business - Doreen will be attending a meeting on what the Millman Center will be doing in the coming year.  She will go over the information with the guild at the November meeting.

Pillowcases are still be collected and there is going to be a drawing so keep track of how many you turn in.

The meeting ended with Show & Tell.

The November meeting will be a ZOOM meeting and Bernie will be sending out an email for the link so you can join the meeting.

Enjoy this beautiful weather that we are having and as always stay safe and keep sewing!  Hope to see you at the November ZOOM meeting!

Judy H