Wednesday, August 16, 2023

June 2023 Minutes

Camaco Quilt Guild
June 2023 Minutes

Millman Center

The June meeting of the Camaco Quilt Guild was
called to order by our President at 6:35pm.

The May minutes were acknowledged and approved.

The Treasurer’s report:
Old balance: $xxx, receipts: $xxx, expenses: 0
New balance: $xxxxx

Badge: $1.00

Media: no new updates

Ways & Means: no W & M

Charity: 12 quilts were gifted to Cape May Police Dept.
There are still 16 on hand. Bags of yo yos and strips will
be available at Open Sew to applique (yo yos onto strips).
In Sept at Open Sew, we can meet to sew the strips
together into quilts.

Sunshine: no cards sent

Refreshments: Marge F, Shirley L, Diane M, Dottie L,
Carol Mac, Margareta P are volunteers for Sept.

Old Business: Doreen will accept money for the Sept bus
trip to Lancaster over the summer. Clare asked for
volunteers for the quilt show.

New Business: Doreen presented Clare with a quilt made
by some of the Camaco members for her retirement.
Programs: Becca Fenstermaker was the guest speaker
after the meeting was adjourned.
Show & Tell: no Show & Tell due to guest speaker.

The next meeting of the Camaco Quilt Guild will be
Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2023.

*Minutes were recorded by VP Pam in the absence of the

Respectfully submitted,

Connie A