The new officers for 2022 are: President Donna Frederick, Vice President Mary Lou Price, Secretary Connie Anzelone and Treaurer Bev Tyler.
Reminder that 2022 dues of $40 are due at the January meeting. If you will not be at the meeting please mail your check to Bev.
In the past we have donated $300 to Lower Twp. for the use of the Millman Center. We never sent a donation for 2021. We will vote at the January meeting on the amount we want to donate for 2022.
At December's meeting we bid a sad goodbye to our long time member, Bernie Sh. She received a standing ovation thanking her for all that she has done for Camaco.
The Program Committee is looking for any idea suggestions for the upcoming year. you can contact any of the members with your ideas. The members of the committee are: Jean S, Sandee W, Dale W, Clare J, Mary Lou P, Joey G, Sue T and Elena H. Programs is asking you to bring to the January meeting any Half Square Triangle quilts you may have for Show N Tell. At the December meeting we played Quilto and had a Christmas exchange. Thank you for the Program Committee for coming up with some new ideas for our party.
Members are still encouraged to sign up for any committees for the new year.
Respectfully, Donna Frederick