Sunday, June 12, 2016

Meeting Minutes for May 2016 and June's Meeting Date is Moved

The meeting was called to order by our President, Doreen Dever. There were 43 members present. Four guests were introduced. Diana's friend, Sue Jackson, Dee's sister, Irene, Inge Laine's daughter, Tracy from Nevada and Joey's granddaughter, Kaia .

Karen Mc Clennen, Treasure, reported a balance of $XXXX and that our membership remains at 56.                                                                                                                             
Doreen announced that we received a thank you note from Cape May County Animal Shelter for our on going donation of animal beds. They are appreciated. Thanks ladies.                                                                                                                                                              


NAME BADGE: $2.25 was collected by Sonja.                                         CHARITY: Anne announced that we need more charity quilts.                         PHOTOGRAPHY: Danielle reminded us to pick up our Show & Tell pictures on the side table.
SUNSHINE: Flossie was happy to report, " no report".
WAYS & MEANS: No report.                                                         REFRESHMENT: Joyce announced providers for the next meeting.
BLOG: No report. 
PROGRAM: Diane reminded us of the Jelly Roll Race Saturday, EMay 21st at the Green Creek Fire Hall, 9am-4pm.  She also reminded all those participating in the Masterpiece Challenge, that
they should have exchanged their quarters tonight and their Masterpieces are due next meeting for judging.                                                                                                                                            Diane Dunwoodie also said the Committee has approached two speakers for 2017, in light that you have to plan that far ahead to schedule these types of speakers. (It will also help out next years' Committee and hopefully, they will pay it forward).
The first speaker is Michelle Hiatt from She would speak at our September 13th meeting and do a workshop the next day, September 14th. The second speaker is Jane E.Hamilton from Hopscotch Designs ( The date discussed was May  10th, with a workshop May 11th. Jane is from Kennett Square and her topic is how to create your own quilt designs.
Michelle Hiatt was approved by the group, while Jane Hamilton was deferred, so people could access her web page, to see if there was enough interest in the topic. 
Doreen started that Judy, Kathy and Diane Maguire were collecting deposits due tonight for our Retreat to Lancaster, October 20th-23rd. Booklets with directions were handed out to those planning to attend and if there are any questions, please call Doreen or Bernie. Doreen also reminded us the balance owed is due at the September meeting, depending on your number of roommates
Flossie did look into acquiring CAMACO tote bags and cardigans. The totes are $20 and come with red or blue handles, I believe. The cardigans are $25 and come in white, gray navy or pink. She had a sample to try on. If interested, let her know (she prefers cash).
Doreen again challenged us to participate in the Battle of the Guilds in the Pillow Case Race for Cancer. It will be held at the Hammonton Fire Hall, September 11th. Remember, kits will be provided, you just have to bring your "weapons" (sewing machines, sergers, irons, etc.). Game prizes,trophies and refreshments provided.                                                           

Clare also reminded us she needs all entries for the Cold Spring Show by June 25th at the latest. Entry forms were available on the side table.

Doreen also made available business cards from the new fabric store in Vineland, A Fabric Outlet and Gifts. They do offer a 10% discount for Guild members. Eleanor added that JoAnn's and Pin Cushion also gives 10% discounts to Guild members.

An announcement was made that the Cape May Garden Club's Show would be held Saturday, May 13th.

Bernie had chances for OBATS quilt to be raffled off soon.

Due to the fact that the Millman Center  will be needed by the Township the night of our June meeting, we will meet the following week, June 15th, at our regular time.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45, followed by Show & Tell.
Diane Dunwoodie then instructed us on how to make a three dimensional block. It was fun and easier than originally thought.

Respectfully Submitted,
Beverly Tyler, Secretary

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