Sunday, November 5, 2017

October Meeting Minutes 2017 Important Reminder for November Meeting!

      OCTOBER 11th, 2017

The meeting was called to order by our President, Doreen D at 7pm.
There were two guests. Jackie, a friend of Eileen I and Barbara A, a joining member.
Karen M, our Treasure, reported a balance of $XXXX after paying for our previous speaker and the bus for our trip to Lancaster.


Name Badge: Eileen collected $3.30? (Our fine is 25 cents/infraction).

Charity: Eleanor N reported that a group got together and had an old fashion"quilting bee" to finish a king size quilt recently. Eleanor also reported that a bunch of crochet items have been donated for charity from someone who lost a loved one and given to Connie. Eleanor also wanted to "thank" Betsy Y for helping her "downsize" some quilts. Eleanor also received a thank you note for 87 dog beds.

Photography: Karen had placed pictures for pickup on the side table. Please remember to check if you had an item in Show & Tell the previous month.

Program: Diane D reminded us of the "mug rug" exchange for our Christmas meeting. She also reminded us that the Fall runner directions are on the website and she has two more to continue into the new year. She has a demonstration later for making an easy pumpkin. Diane also announced she will not be chairing the Program Committee next year, but reminds whoever does, that a speaker is already under contract for April and that it is always helpful to " pay forward" for the new Chair.

Sunshine: Flossie has finished her round of radiation and was disappointed she could not make the Lancaster trip. She goes for a PET scan next week and we wish her well.

Ways & Means: Winner for the drawing was, Kathy Burbidge.

Refreshments: Barbara W announced there will be no refreshment assigned for our next meeting because it is our Thanksgiving Dinner. Instead, a sign-up sheet is by the sign-in book to volunteer to bring your favorite dish to share.

Media: No report.


Doreen announced that October 25th will be our last Open Sew until Spring.

Our elections were held after a ballot was presented and although there was no accepting nominees for Secretary, Veronica Scutari volunteered to switch from another position. Our new officers for 2018 are: Helen S, President; Clare J, Vice President; Veronica S, Secretary and Helen R, Treasure.
Congratulations ladies and thank you for stepping up to the challenge.

Doreen commented on the great sales we were offered on the bus trip to Lancaster. 
"Mr. Burkholder" even donated several items to be raffled at a later date. Everyone had a good time and the group thanked Doreen for another job well done.

Bernie S thanked everyone who participated in the Pillow Case Challenge. She also cried when she read the plaque and showed the little red Converses she received for being our Captain. We came in second with over 1800 cases for the year. Our team of seven made 108 that Sunday. Next year's Challenge will be held September 16th, again at the Hammonton Fire Hall. Bernie's new challenge to us will be, for each 10 pillowcases you make, you will receive one coupon to go into a bucket for a prize. No goal was officially stated, but Bernie "would like" 2000-2500. ( She's not too competitive!) Bernie also said it would be helpful if you wash and iron them prior to bringing them in and mark them "washed". ( No perfumed detergents, please.) This year, Sharon C and Bernie washed and ironed our 1800 pillowcases! The group thanked Bernie for all of her "encouragement" in leading our Team.

Doreen reminded us that South Shore Stitchers Quilt Show is October 20th,21st and 22nd in Tuckahoe. Information was available at the front table. 

Helen E thanked all who donated items she collected for our Troops.


Eleanor displayed her church's raffle quilt and had chances for sale. They were $1 each or 6 for $5. The drawing will be November 11th.

Doreen read a note from Kristen Z informing the Guild she would not be renewing her membership for 2018. She stated she has too many other obligations at this time, but hopes to rejoin in the future. She wished us all well.

If anyone has quilting items they would like to donate for the Chinese Auction, to be held at our Christmas meeting, bring it in at the November meeting and give to Sharon.

Helen E also informed us that there is a silk workshop coming up, put on by the Modern group. Information and directions are on our website. She also told us about another offering on her website, a book review on FMQ, with a chance to win a copy by making a comment. You can also purchase the book on line. It's listed as a "long arm book"on Helen's site (helenernstlongarmquilting).

Sharon C also brought up the subject of increasing our membership beyond our present maximum of 60. She stated we have "lost" a lot of interested, "talented people." We presently have a waiting list of 4 or 5. A lot of discussion followed, both pro and con, so Doreen asked all to think it over and the subject will be reintroduced at our next meeting.

Doreen also reminded us and informed new members, that the Guild "owns" an Accu Cutter that can be signed out for personal use.

Diane then demonstrated how to make an easy pumpkin. It was cute and fairly simple. She will give the directions to Denise to put on the Guild's webpage. We also competed in a quilting word scramble.

Show & Tell followed of charity quilts, etc.

******IMPORTANT: Our next meeting (November 8th) is our Thanksgiving Dinner and will start at 6 pm. Bring your tasty contribution for dinner and any items for the Chinese Auction, to be held in December. Doreen has added an additional request, 2 fat quarters. They will be donated, along with other guilds, to those quilters who lost their "stash" in the recent fires and floods.*******

Respectfully Submitted,

Beverly T Secretary

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