Sunday, September 19, 2021

September 2021 Meeting Minutes

September 8,2021

Due to the resignations of Joanne I (President), Nina B (Vice President) and Becky (Secretary), the meeting was called to order at 7:07pm by Bev T(Treasurer).

New members: Winna  S and Roxanne D

Treasurers report: balance is $XXXX

Charity: members turned in 36 baby quits, 43 bibs, 5 walker bags and 28 pet beds. 3 quilts were donated. We could use boys or gender neutral quilts. There is batting and labels available through Sue T. At some time in the future, book pillows may be made. Looking for book donations for the pillows.

Refreshments for next month: Doreen D Diane D, Joyce E, Helen E and Linda F.

Bev let us know that Margareta P was being released from the hospital that night.

Badge money collected was $4

Open Sew: there will be a workshop on Oct.27,  9-2, for a small snowman quilt.

Programs:  There will be a guest speaker, Gyleen Fitzgerald, Oct. 13 meeting and a workshop on the 14th. The workshop will be an all day class for $38+$10 for the pattern. The workshop is limited to 20 people. Please contact Dale if you wish to take part.

Nov. 10 Merry May will be our guest. Her program will be “What was she thinking”

Please take note, the Oct and Nov meetings will begin at 6:30. We need to put forth nominations for the 2022 officers in Oct. and vote in Nov. as well as having our guest speakers.

Due to the resignation of the three officers, an executive committee met to solve the problem of the vacancies. They agreed to put before the guild for a vote of acceptance, Pamela N for President and Donna F for Vice President. Becky J agreed to remain on as Secretary. These volunteers will finish out the current year. By a majority vote the nominees were accepted since there were no other nominees from the floor.  Bev thanked Joanne I for stepping up as President last December.

There will be a Disciplinary Committee formed to determine if any action is required.

Bev brought up that we need to look at and update the bylaws: especially changes that could be added to avoid the current situation. Possible additions: having the 2 meetings of the Board in January and June to stay on track, requiring a member to be in good standing at least 2 years before holding office.

The members voted and reaffirmed the expenditure for guest speaker Gyleen Fitzgerald.

A reminder that members can view the bylaws on Camaco Quilt Guild website under MEMBER INFORMATION.

There was also a reminder that Camaco’s Facebook page is for positive quilt related things as well as birthday wishes for members.

Bev encourages members to step up and volunteer to help our group such as run for office or volunteer to be on committees. She asks us all to look through the membership list and make a list of people to put forth as nominees for the officers and committees. These people will be contacted to see if they’re willing to be on the ballot.

Respectfully, Pamela N

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