Tuesday, January 9, 2024

December 2023 Minutes

The December meeting of the Camaco Quilt Guild was called to order by our President, Donna, at 7:06pm. There were 2 guests present.

November minutes were acknowledged & approved.

The Treasurer’s report: Opening bal: $XXXX, rec: $0, expenses: $XXXX, closing balance: $XXXX.
Badge: $2.75

Media: nothing to report

Sunshine: TY card read from Shirley. The secretary will send cards to Inga L & Mary B.
Refreshments: Roxann D., Helen E., Linda F., Donna F., Joey G., Anna & Francis H. for January meeting.

Charity: Susan donated 12 quilts & 6 reading pillows on our behalf to CARA. We donated 55 placemats to Meals on Wheels. We will donate quilts to the Family Promise auction. Reading pillow kits were handed out to those who requested and charity work can be done at the Open Sew as a group or individually. 

Ways & Means: Kitty’s “Committee of Fun” donated items for 15 winners who were: Denise, Joey, Ann, Connie B, Sandee, Barbara, Diana, Pam, Sharon W., Anna, Doreen, Connie A.,Linda, Diane & Helen.

Programs: We met at 6:00pm for a Christmas celebration dinner provided by the Program committee and desserts from our Hospitality Committee. We had the mug rug exchange as Joey read a fun story with a lot of lefts and rights! 

Show and Tell consisted of all Christmas items, quilts, wallhangings, etc. and was so fun. What talent we have in our guild!

The Program Committee asks for suggestions for topics that the membership would be interested in participating in the coming year such as: BOM, specific pattern, skill &/or technique, challenges or demos and suggestions for items to sew to give back to our community such as wheelchair quilts, bibs, fidget blankets, etc.

In January we will have Bingo games so bring a fat quarter for every board you want to “purchase,” which means bring LOTS!! Open Sew will continue in January and it will be on the last 3 Wednesdays (17, 24 & 31) of the month.

Old Business: The “retiring” officers were given a thank you card and gift from the membership for their service which was very much appreciated. The new officers will take their seats at the January meeting. Congratulations and good luck!

New Business: Dues are due in January in the amount of $40.00. You can pay at the meeting or mail them to Clare or to the Camaco PO Box.

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm. The next meeting of the Camaco Quilt Guild will be Wednesday, January 10,2024 at 7:00pm at the Millman Center.

Respectfully submitted, Connie

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