Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Information From the Retreat on Half Square Triangles

2015 Quilt Retreat Was So Much Fun!

Now that everyone who made the Labrynth Quilt at the retreat is an expert on hst's here's some inspiration for making more creative quilts!

Chelsey and Denise shared information on using hst's at the retreat, how to make them with different methods including multiples at one time. They also shared how many different layouts there are once you get spinning the square and changing up the colors. Below are the links they used to gather the info they shared, along with a link to the handout they shared at the retreat. 

Bias  Square  Method  

 All information shared was found on the internet and not the property of Denise and Chelsey.



Helen@Till We Quilt Again said...

This is great information. You and Chelsey did a wonderful demo at the retreat! Thanks for posting.

Denise Bongiovanni~ said...

Thank you Helen!!
